Why do aluminum enclosure for outdoor change color?
Many people have encountered such a problem. The anodized surface of their aluminum alloy products will fade after being used outdoors for a period of time.Some will change color in a month, and some will last for a year before changing color due to sun exposure. The longer it takes, the faster it will change color.

Fading does not only occur in sunlight; it also occurs in some short-frequency microwave environments. This is mainly related to oxidized dyes.The anti-UV level of the dye directly determines the service life outdoors, especially under direct sunlight. Dyes with different ingredients have different anti-UV properties.The higher the level, the longer you can stay in the sun. The underlying reason is: the color system of dyes is related to the atoms that make up the dye molecules.
The degree of absorption of photons by the electrons outside the nucleus of the atoms determines the color of the object. Sunlight has different wavelength bands and presents different colors.
When some colors are absorbed by electrons outside the nucleus of atoms, the remaining light waves cannot be absorbed and are reflected back by objects and enter our eyes, and we see different colors.
Therefore, under the irradiation of sunlight, especially short-wavelength light waves, such as ultraviolet rays, gamma rays, etc., the energy level transition of the extranuclear electrons of the dye atoms is caused, changing the color rendering system of the atoms. Causes real "fading"
If you want to avoid fading when used outdoors, you can choose to do natural color oxidation, or choose electrolytic coloring when dyeing instead of adsorption coloring.
The above are the real reasons why aluminum alloy products discolor outdoors and how to deal with them.

Youngcase has more than 20 years of expertise in the electronic enclosure ,instrument test and measurement enclosure,outdoor waterproof enclosure field.
For those interested in exploring YonguCase's transformative solutions, further information can be obtained by reaching out to export@yonggu-enclosure.com